As expected the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General has not yet made a decision on the introduction of an R18+ classification for computer games. They have instead released a report containing preliminary figures and information about the public consultation that closed at the end of February. The report is available on the Attorney-General’s Department website.
The report shows that 98.2% of the submissions were in favour of the R18+ rating for games but Minister for Home Affairs Brendan O’Connor said that ministers had to also consider “the strength of the arguments on each side.”
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‘Grow up Australia’ is mentioned often in the report and a pie chart indicates the number of submissions that were received via our website compared to other means. You can also see the clear success of EB Games in store petition.
In the early days, there was Pong’s black and white tennis game, Space Invader’s alien shooting adventure and Pac-Man’s world-renowned yellow blob. Now, fast forward nearly 40 years and times have changed. Australians spend more money creating virtual cities and obliterating hidden zombies than at the movies. Interactive gaming is the new black – no matter your race, gender or culture.
And what’s more, the games itself have grown increasingly sophisticated. Two dimensional, black and white games are a thing of the past with the array of next-generation releases containing rich graphics, dynamic characters and compelling storylines. With the average Australian gamer 30 years old, it’s no surprise that more and more games carry mature themes.
But what does come as a shock to many is that Australia is the only developed country without an R18+ rating. Films, which fall under the same classification system, can be granted an R18+ or even X18+ rating but this is not the case for computer and video games. If a game exceeds the MA15+ rating, it is either refused classification or modified to fit within the rating guidelines.
If the deadly Mafia series The Godfather which is clearly not the romantic drama Gone With the Wind can be considered one of the greatest films in cinematic history why can’t the same thinking apply to games?
Our classification system needs to be changed so adults can play games as they were meant to be played. The Commonwealth Government has released a discussion paper to canvas public opinion on the possible introduction of an R18+ for Computer Games. You can participate in this public consultation by using our submission form . Don’t forget to spread the word!
This form will no longer be available after the 14th of February to allow adequate time for collating responses and submission prior to the final deadline of the 28th of February.
Be sure to show your support by joining our Facebook and Steam groups!
Grow up Australia has just become aware of an E-Petition currently accepting signatures on the Queensland Parliament website. This is an official petition that is sponsored by a Member of Parliament, The Honourable Kate Jones Minister for Climate Change and Sustainability.
If you support the introduction of an R18+ rating for computer games and live in Queensland you must sign this petition! If you know someone who lives in Queensland who can sign this Petition send them this link:
If Queensland introduces an R18+ rating for computer games there is good reason to believe that the nation will follow. In the letter we received from Michael Atkinson he stated that:
In Australia there is merit in a national classification scheme that requires unanimity between jurisdictions. State and Territory boarders are incapable of restricting media to jurisdiction: once games classified R18+ are available in one State they will be readily available in others.
In Queensland computer games are regulated by two Acts:
The Federal Act: Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Act 1995
A State Act: Classification of Computer Games and Images Act 1995
A small adjustment in the State Act could mean that computer games refused classification under the Federal Act would then be able to be Classified R18+ under the State Act. This would make those games legally available in Queensland.
We have reached a milestone of 1000 signatures! Thanks to everyone who has signed so far. Be sure to continue to pass the link on; the more signatures means more weight behind our cause.
We will upload some preliminary survey results soon. Be sure to continue checking the Facebook group for more information.